Tuesday 2 October 2012

Online Video Sources: Total Hip Replacement

While on my first OT placement I spent the majority of my time on the orthopaedic ward working with patients who recently had total hip replacements.  In an effort to learn more about the topic I turned to the internet.  I quickly found that videos are a great source of information, butt it is important to bear in mind that not all online videos are made by the experts on a topic but after a bit of searching you can find some that explain what you are looking for.

Hip replacement surgery
This is an animation of the hip replacement surgery.  It is a very detailed video giving viewers a great insight into what happens throughout the surgery without having all of the actual visuals and sounds associated with the procedure.

After Hip Replacement: Warnings and Precautions.
This video illustrates examples of the three hip precautions that patients need to be aware of post surgery.  It also shows how these precautions should be used in everyday life and what types of activities to avoid.

Activities of Daily Living; getting in and out of a car
Shows the client how to get into and out of their car after the surgery-pretty self explanatory based on the title.  This video would be really useful for clients to watch prior to coming in for surgery to prepare for heading home.

Lower extremity dressing after your THR
This video illustrates methods of dressing and undressing the lower limbs post hip replacement using different pieces of equipment.

PATIENT EDUCATION: At Home Activity & Adaptive Equipment, Pt. 5
Shows how to get in and out of the bath and shower safely and effectively using adaptive equipment.


Glynnwallace. (2011, October 12). Lower extremity dressing after your THR. [Video file]. Retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLlSIQ2x6Pc

HSpecialSurgery. (2012, August 15). Activities of Daily Living; getting in and out of a car . [Video file]. Retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXFwSJB_P9M

MarathonManiac100. (2011, August 1). Hip replacement surgery. [Video file]. Retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=BYwVaKkRdF4

Mercysacramento. (2011, June 22). PATIENT EDUCATION: At Home Activity & Adaptive Equipment, Pt. 5. [Video file]. Retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7gjtSv2sVQ&feature=relmfu

Physicaltherapyvideo. (2011, September 25). After Hip Replacement: Warnings and Precautions. [Video file]. Retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sa-E4LcWMwA

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